The 3 Most Popular Types of Doors in Canada

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    Although there are many kinds of doors out there, most doors fall into three main categories: wood, metal, or fiberglass. These are the three most popular kinds of doors in Canada and they’re available in a variety of styles. We’ve put together some expert advice to help you choose the right one for you.


    1. Wood doors are beautiful and strong, but they require regular maintenance

    Wood doors are beautiful, but they require a lot of maintenance. Wood doors are vulnerable to moisture and dryness. Wood doors can expand and shrink due to moisture in the air. In order to make the wood door have a more beautiful look, you should choose the right type of wood for your door.Choose hardwoods that don’t show the marks of cigarette burn or mould. Wood doors can also be damaged by exposure to water and sunlight. Metal doors are cheaper to maintain, resist moisture, and can withstand the wash of moving grime. Because they’re stronger, they have a higher value. Fiberglass doors are the most expensive type of door, but they’re too expensive to maintain and are vulnerable to heat and dirt. They’ll also need to be replaced more often than wood doors. With more rigid steel frames, fiberglass doors require more maintenance but often appear newer and higher-end. Indoor paint is available for the metal or wood doors, but it isn’t as easy to use for the fiberglass doors. Therefore, we have created a step-by-step guide to paint your doors.

    • Select the Right Type of Wood – While there are different types of wood (sapphire, maple, etc.) that can look great in your home, choosing the right version is critical. Hardwoods are heavier, brighter, and more expensive. Even so, if you’re looking for the right look, it’ll cost you more. Blue and dark colored hardwoods look best with dark colored walls and floors, while lighter woods look best with lighter shades of fabrics and furniture. Oak, fir, figured pine, poplar, etc. have nicer looks and great value for less money. The same rule applies to the metal version, though. Black and dark-colored metal look nice, but they tend to have high price tags. Choose an attractive, neutral color of metal instead.
    • Choose the Right Type of Door – This guide to choosing furniture and fixtures may be helpful if you’re still learning which door options you prefer.


    2. Fiberglass doors are relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain

    Fiberglass doors are one of the most affordable options for homeowners. These doors are durable and easy to maintain, which makes them a popular choice for homeowners. In addition, fiberglass doors are available in a wide range of styles and finishes, so you can find the right door for your style and your budget. Wood doors are probably one of the most popular types of doors — even though they look like stone after you see them. When shopping for a rock-solid wood door, stay away from doors made of plastics, vinyl plank, casters and other materials. These materials weaken the wood and make the door more susceptible to damage or vandalism. They are also much more expensive, so it’s recommended that you only buy doors from trusted producers.
    Some municipalities require new wooden doors to be double-hung or square-taped. For these types of doors, the wood was recorded and measured, and the wood was glued to the wall, an up-and-down motion was made, the wood was sanded and hard, and then the single-piece piece was bored and screwed into place. These are all great ways to update the look of your house, but just remember that you must register your doors to keep them legal in your local community.

    When shopping for the right door for your home or investment property, what you really need to ask yourself is: What form do I want the door to take? Are you looking to keep the front of the home open and allow for natural light, privacy, or to create an awe-inspiring entryway? If so, then you’ll want a large, heavy piece of heavy-duty wood or aluminum (although you can use plastic sheeting instead, if you want extra strength). You don’t want the doors to sag or bend, either. Remember, doors can often be as much as 30% of the total open area in a home.
    Another important element with wooden doors is that they should be able to easily be removed when you need to.


    3. Metal doors are sturdy and energy efficient, but they’re much more expensive than wood or fiberglass

    Metal doors are a great option if you want something sturdy and energy efficient, but they can be very expensive. Some metal doors can cost as much as $20,000 to $30,000 or more.On the other hand, fiberglass doors, also known as sliding doors, aren’t as sturdy as most metal doors and are slightly more expensive. To learn more about the differences between these door types, read our expert guide, The Two Types of Doors: Interior and Exterior.

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