How Often Should Windows Be Replaced

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    Windows are an investment in your home — both in terms of style and energy efficiency. But how long should you expect a window to last? When is it time for a replacement? What’s the difference between wood, fiberglass, and vinyl windows? And what do they cost? We’ll cover everything you need to know about windows so that you can make an informed decision about what kind of windows are right for your home.

    1. What is the lifespan of windows?

    Windows have an average lifespan of 20 years, but that can vary depending on the quality and manufacturer of them. Low-quality windows might only last a decade or so. High-quality windows will give you many years of service. With Windtek’s window we offer a lifetime non-prorated transferable warranty, it shows our confidence in our superior quality.

    Most windows come in one of two sizes, depending on the reasoning behind purchasing them. Typically, we talk about single window replacement, which is when a damaged or missing window is replaced, and double window replacement, which is when a window is added to a home.

    At an older stage in their lifetimes, windows will feel worn down or “bulky.” They can also be difficult to install on a single pane of wood when they aren’t attached to a stud. Although these older windows don’t pack the punch that a new window will, they still provide many years of high-quality use. If you are replacing an older window with a new one, keep in mind that using cheaper materials will add to your savings. It will also lead to a shorter life expectancy.
    Rough-walled windows could be repurposed as side mirrors.


    2. How do you estimate the cost of replacing windows?

    The cost of a new window can vary greatly depending on whether it’s a single- or double-hung window and the number of panes (the more panes, the more expensive it is).

    The thing to consider is what kind of pane you’re referring to. Single-hung and double-hung windows have little difference in cost. Vinyl is usually the cheapest to replace, as no two panes are the same. However, the quality of the vinyl also makes it resilient to wear. Both types of glass are easy to clean and easy to keep clean — however, window treatments can get messy, meaning that you will have to wash them more frequently if you decide to keep the panes. Wood, fiberglass, and laminated glass are notorious for failing due to humidity changes — especially if the wood inside leaks moisture.
    Fiberglass (also called tempered glass) has a lower melting point than most other materials, making it more effective at keeping out indoor mold. It’s flexible, however, meaning that you are dealing with more manufacturing imperfections when it comes to cleaning and maintaining your windows. Fiberglass is usually installed in brick or terra cotta windows.

    Wood, which is about the most resilient material on Earth, is very difficult to remove from a pane if it begins to crack, which will damage the glass behind it. Therefore, it’s typically installed in lath windows. Lath windows are inexpensive to replace, but could be more easily broken or missing due to missing or poorly installed hardware.


    3. Wood, fiberglass, and vinyl: which is best for your home?

    Replacing your windows should be a yearly or multiple-year project. And unfortunately, calling a window repairman to replace an older window before it’s needed isn’t really an option. Hopefully, the information in this list will help you make an informed decision about replacing your windows.

    Before You Buy

    1. Make Sure It’s Working – Make sure there’s no underlying moisture can dry out the paint. Smells and odors can cause tiny peeling paint that new windows can fix, but not a smelly, warped, and ancient hole in the wall. Check out this simple guide on how to check your windows.
    2. Check for Other Tenants & Owners – A small water leak can ruin a perfectly good window. If it’s evident, contact your local property management company to get it fixed as soon as possible.
    3. Do the Dirty Work – If you have a window installed by a window panes home builder, make sure to have your inspector take a look at it as well. In general, anything that could make a window more expensive to replace can negatively affect the longevity or cost of the new window.
    4. Get Financing – If possible, get your financing lined up for a new windows. Normally, these windows come with a builder’s warranty, stating that they will come with a certain amount of wear and tear.
      If you have to buy the windows 100 percent used, you still have options.


    4. Is it time to replace your windows yet?

    If you’re thinking about replacing your windows, it’s probably time. A good rule of thumb is to replace your windows every 10 to 15 years. The average lifespan of windows is between 30 and 40 years.If you don’t want to wait that long, it’s probably a good idea to go with a better-quality alternative. Windows are not inexpensive to replace, but the energy savings they bring are worth it.

    A typical window has many parts, including an exterior door, a sill, a parapet, and an interior lining. But what you might not know is that windows aren’t made of one single material. The majority are made of a blend of materials, made to meet environmental standards at different times of the year. Most commercial and semi-private windows are typically made of wood or metal. Residential windows are typically made of vinyl, fiberglass, and glass. They usually get softer or harder as the weather gets warmer or colder.

    Wooden windows tend to last longer because they’re air-permeable and allow light to pass through. They also let warm air circulate inside the house, keeping things at a comfortable temperature. Fiberglass windows catch heat and give off cold air. Meanwhile, they slowly begin to deteriorate and can eventually crack. And vinyl windows are more expensive and offer no measurable amount of resins.


    If you’re in the market for replacement windows, it’s a good idea to start by reaching out to a team like Windtek to get help through an otherwise potentially complicated process. Don’t take any chances with the windows in your home – work with a professional. And if you have any questions getting started, Windtek offers a free in-home consultation to help get you going!

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