5 Top Tips For Taking Care Of Your Home’s Windows During The Winter

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    As the temperature continues to drop and snow starts to accumulate, you’ve probably noticed condensation building up on your windows. This is due to the different rates at which windows and glass doors conduct heat. And with this is mind, it’s important to know how to take care of your home’s windows during the winter. To help you out, we’ve put together five top tips for taking care of your home’s windows during the cold season.


    1. Clean your windows thoroughly to get rid of any dirt or grime

    Cleaning windows is one of the most time consuming tasks, but it’s also one of the most important parts of home maintenance. The dirt and grime on your windows can have a negative impact on your indoor air quality and can save you money on your heating and cooling bills. Furthermore, an average house has a good amount of dander, dust mites, fungus and other allergens that can build up on the finishings of your windows, preventing the parting of your air.


    2. Use a squeegee to remove moisture from the outside of your windows

    The best way to remove moisture from the outside of your windows is to use a squeegee. The rubber blade on a squeegee will be able to grab the water from the outside of the window and remove it from the glass without leaving any streaks behind. If your property was built in the 1980s or earlier, there is an annual requirement for digital blinds and in most areas, it is mandated that potatoes or other dry goods be supplied as well. If your property has vinyl siding, you’ll want to ensure that there are no algae growing on the siding, as this can rub off and make the siding slippery. Once the window has been removed, you’ll want to prep the area for the leak by removing any dirt and debris which may have accumulated behind or under the window. You may need to remove lip balm, as well as any dead leaves or grass. Next, you’ll want to compensate for the voids that exist. This should consist of a mixture of 80% water and 20% Carbon Teflon, which should be durable enough to seal around any cracks that may occur. Some people like to use caulk, but caulk will not seal well against the window, so end users may want to consider steam caulking as well. (Note: There has been some discussion on the forums about whether Operating Manual Pressure Washers are actually effective in remedying mold in painted or composite windows.) If the damage is severe enough to necessitate a window cover, you’ll need to provide venting, either by caulking or with a window if possible. Not only do we like it better because it’s more eco-friendly, but it allows the tenant to open and close the windows.


    3. Seal up small cracks in your home’s windows and doors to keep warm air from escaping

    When your house is colder than the air outside, air will seep into your house through cracks and crevices. You can keep warm air from escaping by sealing up cracks with caulk, weather stripping, and other materials. The more air leaks you seal up, the more you’ll be able to save on heating and cooling costs.


    4. Use heat tape to seal large cracks in your home’s windows and doors

    Heat tape seals cracks in the home. Heat tape is a great way to seal cracks in your home’s windows and doors. Heat tape is a foil-like material that is attached to a special adhesive that is applied to the window or door frame. The adhesive sticks to the hot, Impermeable Edge and begins to fray and peel under a variety of trim work, which means there’s no more stick to it. Over time, the window or door frame will look old and tattered if it’s not sealed properly.

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