5 Tricks for Effective Home Door Maintenance

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    Protecting your home is often the first thing on new homeowners’ minds. But, while you may be focused on installing a new security system or making sure that your windows are secure, did you know that one of the most vulnerable points in your home is the door? With the right maintenance and care, your door can be your first line of defense against burglars and intruders. For some quick tips about how to protect yourself at home, see this article.


    1. Know your door

    Size, colour, type…it all adds up to a door that should match both your personality, and that of of the personality of your home. First and foremost, know your door. Understand its material, how it needs to be cared for, and generally speaking what it needs from the homeowner. Some materials will require more regular maintenance than others. So start with a simple assessment of your door, and buy the products designed to clean or maintain that type of door.

    Maintaining your doors is essential to the protection of your home or business. You want to be sure that you are taking care of your doors, so that you can reduce the likelihood of having to replace it in the future.


    2. Use the right tools for the job to prevent accidents

    The right tools for the job will save you a lot of time and prevent accidents. For example, when you’re putting together furniture, don’t use a screwdriver to hammer in nails; use a hammer. If you’re using a hammer, don’t use a screwdriver for hammering; use a screwdriver. Carpets wear easily, but they don’t come off easily; use sandpaper if they won’t come off with a hard spanking. Based on past experiences here are the main items we think you will need:

    • Chisel
    • Screwdriver
    • Hammer
    • Drill & screws

    Simple, right?

    3. Make sure your door is secure and won’t leave you vulnerable to intruders

    The first thing you should do is make sure your door is secure and won’t leave you vulnerable to intruders. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to use a steel door and install a strong deadbolt lock on it. A solid steel door can be had for under $100 and a strong deadbolt lock will only set you back another $50.


    4. Fix your door before it starts causing problems for your home

    If you hear creaking or cracking sounds when you open or close your door, it might be time to fix the problem. Fixing your door can be quite easy and inexpensive, but ignoring the problem could lead to bigger, more expensive problems like a damaged door frame or doorway.

    Door maintenance is essential, but it isn’t always easy. When you have the right information, though, it’s easier than ever to keep track of all of the steps that you need to take in order to protect your property with a well-maintained door.


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